Your Donation Puts Roots in Our Community
Donate a Tree
By donating a tree for planting along London's Veterans Memorial Parkway, you're helping lay down the roots of a living monument. Whether it's to represent a family member or relative who served - or is currently serving- in Canada's military, or a way for your business to give back to the community and the environment, donating a tree with us is a legacy to be proud of!
The $250 Donation that Gives Back
A donation of $250 will allow us to professionally plant a single, large caliper tree in one of the growing number of living "Guards of Honour" along the VMP. That single tree will produce almost 260 pounds of oxygen every year. When mature, two trees will produce enough oxygen for a family of four. And when they honour our Canadian veterans, they bring even more value to our city. To proceed to our secure, online Donation Form, click here. Thank you for your support.
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Donate Ten or More Trees for Only $200 Each
Challenge your community group, company or organization to raise enough money to plant ten or more trees, and the cost per tree drops to only $200. You can watch your grove along the Parkway grow year after year - beautifying a major gateway to our city, commemorating our veterans, and making a positive environmental contribution for decades to come. Few donations make such a lasting impact. To proceed to our secure, online Donation Form, click here. Thank you for your support.
Donate What You Can
We welcome any financial contribution you can make to this multi-year project. We'll pool your donation with others to continue planting large caliper trees each fall. Consider an annual gift of $50 each year for five years - enough to plant a beautiful Maple, Spruce, or Linden tree along the VMP. Every donation helps bring this living memorial to greater splendor. We hope you can help. To proceed to our secure, online Donation Form, click here. Thank you for your support.